Otaku Flea Market

Need money? Need to clean out your room? Come to the Otaku Flea Market to sell your unwanted anime merchandise and video game stuff! It will take place on Sunday from 11am-4pm in Events 1. You can begin lining up for a table at 10am.


The Otaku Flea Market takes place on Sunday of the convention. Here, you can set up and sell your old anime, manga, video games, figures, plush, cosplays and more! No sign-up is required.

If you wish to sell, you may line up in advance. The line will begin at Events 1, and wrap around the back hall. Check-in is scheduled to begin 1 hour before the event opens, but staff will likely have the room set up before then, so be prepared to check in earlier.

To avoid people gaming the system, we will not be allowing anyone to pick their table spot. We will start assigning tables closest to the entrance, and then work our way back. The earlier you check-in, the more likely you will get a better spot.

–How to Sell–

  1. Buy admission and pick up your badge.
  2. Lineup at the main flea market room, Events 1.
  3. Once check-in starts, staff will assign you a spot. You may request a specific spot if you wish. We will try to accommodate everyone as best we can.
  4. Please be present at your table when the event opens tot he public. We can not watch anyone’s items for them.

–Table Info–

Table spots will be one per person per half table, unless otherwise specified by convention staff. You are free to use the space under your table as well. Tables are first come, first serve. Additionally, if you wish to be seated as multiple sellers, all members of your party must be present before we will seat you.

–Hallway Selling–

Per the request of the venue, we cannot allow people to set up and sell in the hallways. In the event that we max out on space, a separate line will be formed for waiting sellers. As soon as a space opens, we will immediately seat you.

–Fast Pass–

Fast passes may be used to skip both the buyer line and seller line where and when applicable. If you wish to sell, one Fast Pass is good for one table spot in the Otaku Flea Market.

–Loading In–

Per the request of the venue, we cannot allow you to bring in boxes, totes, or carts of items through any of the glass doors. If you cannot bring your items in with bags (or from the hotel entrance), then we can have you bring your stuff in through the loading dock doors. Ask staff for assistance and info.


Permitted Merchandise:

  • Anime related merchandise
  • Manga & doujin
  • Video games and related merchandise
  • TCG Cards (excluding Magic the Gathering)
  • Cosplays and props
  • J-fashion
  • Comic Book and Sci Fi merchandise so long as it’s not more than 50% of your items for sale
  • 18+ Items, though they must be appropriately covered/concealed

Not Permitted:

  • Bootleg merchandise
  • Magic the Gathering
  • Items autographed by current guests at the convention
  • Crafted items/artwork
  • Anything containing bodily fluids or illegal substances
  • Raffles, lotteries, games of chance, or any other ticketed items.
  • Solicitation for donations

The above list may not be complete and staff reserves the right to ultimately allow or disallow an item.

Shop Fronts

Because we have a dealer room with exhibitors who pay for space, we do not allow dealers or shop fronts of any kind to sell in the Otaku Flea Market. This includes, but is not limited to, Ebay shops, Mercari Shops, Etsy Shops, ect.

This also includes adopting business practices similar to that of a dealer, such as charging sales tax or having business cards. If we suspect you of being a dealer or a shop front, you will be removed from the event.


  • Make sure you have change
  • Make sure someone is present to watch your table if you need to step away momentarily
  • Cart your items to/from the flea market in a rolling suitcase, so you don’t have to carry everything
  • If you need any assistance during the event, please feel free to visit the Market Desk, located at the entrance to the event